![Hermsans AmazingHermsans Amazing | 來自北方的專業染髮品牌。 自 2015 年以來,Hermans Amazing 一直為世界各地的美髮師提供專業的染髮劑。 [Hermans amazing] 快速漂髮套裝 30Vol 3%](https://www.shegoestoseoul.com/image/cache/catalog/PRODUCT/2023/hermsansamazing-bleachkit-3-550x550fit.jpg)

套裝包括:漂粉X1;30VOL 漂髮劑X1
1. 把漂粉混合雙氧水一支
2. 適量將漂染膏均混地搽在頭髮上,然後戴上浴帽
3. 等待30分鐘 (請不時查看髮色是否到達目標顏色)
4. 然後用清水清洗頭髮,使用洗頭水及護髮素
5. 把頭髮吹乾即可
Herman's Amazing bleach lifts up to 8 to 9 levels, use Herman’s Amazing bleach to achieve the perfect coloring results.
100% Vegan & animal friendly
DIY friendly
Bleaches up to 9 levels
Use hair coloring set
Vol (6%) bleach is recommended for very thin or dry hair because of its softer bleaching effect. For thicker hair, we recommend using Vol (9%) it is stronger and will bleach on a higher level.
Kit contains:
-Bleach Sachets (50g)
-100ml Cream Peroxide 30 Vol (3%)
-Multilingual Instructions
How to bleach:
-Do a strand test before full head application
-Making sure your hair is dry and combed.
-Protect your clothes and wear gloves
-Mix bleach with the developer in a plastic, ceramic, or glass bowl. Do not use a metal bowl or utensils, it can stain and affect the bleach.
-Stir until there are no clumps, and the mixture is smooth.
-Part hair down the center into two sections and then part hair into four sections. Two sections on top of and two on the bottom.
-Use a brush, start at the back where hair is the thickest work into small sections from the roots to down. Make sure each section is fully covered.
-Let the bleach sit 20-30 min if you are using the 30 vol developer or 30-40 min if you are using the 20 vol developer.
-The bleach may warm and may tingle the scalp, that is normal.
-Rinse hair thoroughly with cool water and ensure that all product has been washed out.
-Don’t use conditioner if you want to color your hair right after bleach, this will help the color to absorb better and stay on longer.
What to do before and after bleaching:
-Wait at least two to three weeks between bleaching sessions to avoid sensitivity.
-Wait at least two to three weeks between bleaching sessions to avoid sensitivity.
-Few weeks before bleaching use a deep conditioning mask at least twice a week to make sure hair is hydrated and healthy.
-Avoid using heat styling tools for 2-3 weeks after bleaching.
-It’s best to leave your roots till the end of the application process. Start at mid-length and ends first then wait 5-10 minutes before going back to do your roots.
-Allow hair to process for no more than 50 minutes. Check on hair every 10-15 minutes to evaluate the color lift.
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